Archive for Diagnosis

Visit to the specialist

Today is Tuesday. The doctor had called me at 11:15 am in the morning to give me my biopsy results. I woke up at around 8:45 in the morning, had breakfast checked my emails for sometime and then left for the doctor at 10:30. It was raining in the morning.

I reached a few minutes before time, 11:15. There were a couple old ladies sitting already but I was called soon after 15 minutes. I kind of knew what the doctor was going to tell me now so I was looking positive. He told me straight away that the report confirms you have Lymphoma and its a better one, Hodgkins rather than Non-Hodgkins. He called the concord hospital and told them about me. He will fax them all my reports.

I am now waiting for a call from the Haematologist.

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The Diagnosis

I did a blood test sometime in the beginning of this year for some reason. My GP found that the ESR in my blood was a bit high so he called me again and told me to do a blood test again. This time ESR was less than the previous but he still gave me another test. He wasn’t sure himself what is going on so I went ahead and did the blood test a third time. The ESR was raised again! This time I was given a urine test and a blood test. The results of urine test were fine but ESR was still quite high above the normal levels. It is normally 20, but I had above 90 ESR, ufff!

This time the doctor sent me for a chest X-RAY which I did in time but could not collect the results in time due to being busy in the office. I thought I would go on the weekend although the lady doing the X-RAY asked me if I am alright because she had seen something in the images. But she refused to tell me anything and told me to talk to the doctor. During this week I found a small lump under my throat and I decided to discuss this with the doctor.

So I went in to see the doctor on the weekend and collect my X-RAY results as well. I told the doctor about the lump and he got worried immediately. He told me to forget the X-RAY and do a CT scan instead. A CT scan will over ride the X-RAY results. I got his recommendation on Sunday and booked in a scan on Tuesday morning. I wasn’t very worried yet but somehow knew that something is wrong. I went in to do the CT scan on Tuesday, described why I am here and waited for my turn. Fortunately I did not have to wait longer and my name was called. The lady their was very nice as she explained what was going to happen. I was going to be injected with something which will make me feel hot for 2 minutes but will create a contrast inside the body so the machine can see clearly. I agreed. The CT scan was a quick process and I was out soon. But before sending me home, the Radiologist told me to come back in an hour because they were going to process my results on an urgent basis, I didn’t ask why.

When I reached back to collect the results from the Pathology, they had the films ready and faxed the report to the doctor directly. I picked up the films and went to the doctor. I had never been to this doctor at this time before therefore I did not know how crowded it would be. I had to wait a couple of hours before he called in my name. I went in and he had my pathology report in front of him. The Radiologist had suggested Lymphoma. He told me straight away in a confident voice and also encouraged me that it is treatable. The next thing he did was to send me to a specialist.

I had been diagnosed and was feeling very down. I called in the specialist and he gave me a time in the evening the next day. I went straight to the office from here.

The next day I went to the office again but left at 3:30 pm to see the specialist in westmead. I reached there by train on time at 4:30 pm. He examined me in a quite usual way and then had a look at my reports. He had a look at my blood tests and CT scan reports. He agreed with the Radiologist that it could be Lymphoma. The next thing he suggested was to do a core biopsy and another blood test to find out the exact type of Lymphoma. It was Wednesday.

I went to the office as usual the next day and did the blood test in a laboratory near the office. I had booked the core biopsy on Friday evening already. The next day, Friday, I left office early again and went straight to the Pathology for a core biopsy. The Radiologist there told me that he will do both core biopsy and the fine needle biopsy so he can get a better result. They told me that the results will be available in 3 to 4 days. Both of the recommended tests are done now.

The specialist has called me this morning to tell me that he has received the results. I am going to see him tomorrow at 11:15 am.

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